For construction projects requiring durable and aesthetically pleasing materials, Hardie is the perfect solution. With their renowned fibre cement products that are both strong and versatile, you can be sure the result will meet your specifications.

Hardie improves the final product’s quality and increases sustainability in construction projects. It won’t rot or be damaged by water or bad weather, making it ideal for long-term projects.

With a wide range of colour options available, you can trust Hardie to match whatever design or look you want for your project. Whether internally or externally, Hardie provides the most reliable performance and beautiful finish in construction materials.

Among the Hardie products CVVC Enterprises can supply for you are: 

Hardie Board

Hardie board is an exterior siding product made from fibre cement, making it resistant to fading, cracking, fire, pests, and rot. With more than ten colours and textures ranging from warm hues to contemporary grays and clean whites, your completed project will look as good as it functions. 

Hardie Plank

Hardie plank is a fibre cement-based siding that provides the authentic look of wood with the unmatched longevity and strength of concrete stucco, making it one of the most reliable and long-lasting options for home exteriors.

Not only does Hardie plank resist harsh weather conditions, including extreme temperatures and humidity changes, but for those prone to pests such as termites or carpenter ants, its composition also serves as a deterrent to these common house invaders. 

Hardie Shingle

Hardie shingles are a unique product that offers the aesthetic benefits of wood and the longevity and durability of fibre cement siding. They provide an exceptional balance between style and performance, giving you the perfect combination of timber look without the maintenance.

Hardie shingles are suitable for both residential and commercial settings–and because they resist moisture damage and cracking due to temperature changes, insects, pests, and extreme weather conditions, they’re virtually worry-free. 


At CVVC Enterprises, we strive to be your reliable source of top-quality wood products. Take advantage of our quality products today and experience what it’s like working with an industry leader in Metro Vancouver.

For more information, contact us now at 236-412-1376 or or fill out our online form below. We look forward to serving you!